Monday, March 17, 2008


I think the ever present block of xenophobes in this country used to hate the Irish. That sentiment seems to have disappeared even among the most ignorant. In fact, especially today, everybody wants to be Irish. Was it St. Patrick's Day that helped put a positive spin on this red-haired, hard drinking, and hot tempered bunch of foreigners? I think it may have helped. -That, along with Irish Spring soap and Lucky Charms.

Perhaps other ethnics need to exploit a special day to get everyone in on a celebration of their culture. Drinking and food must be part of the celebration as does an opportunity for merchandising the stereotype.

Cinco de Mayo is off to a good start. Tacos, Dos Equis, and Los Lobos are much better on this day.

South Bend, Indiana celebrates Dyngus Day (Polish - Day after Easter) by drinking beer, eating kielbasa, and dancing to polka bands late into the evening.

Kwanzaa needs to be revised. Open it up. Lighten it up. Everyone needs to get in on the fun. The race situation may still be a little hot right now, but we need to start looking ahead. Chess Pie and 40s. I can see it.

Outside of Olive Garden's Pasta Tour of Italy, we see little in the way of a concentrated universal celebration of Italian-American culture. Columbus Day would do just fine if it weren't so close to Oktoberfest.

So many cultures. So much to offer. A monthly party day would do us all some good.

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