Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Chapeau Velu

This hat has a history. It finds its way onto Harrumph Harrumph today.

The hat was won by the fellow in seat 10 at The Argosy Poker Room. He had a straight flush - thus the reward. He put it on top of the hat he already was wearing and played on. After a few hands of bad play / luck, he was out of chips and was getting up to leave. "Well", I said, "At least you have the hat. "

He just said, "Here, take it." Perhaps it was cursed. I put it on and my luck seemed to have improved.

I wore it last week's poker club and found that the mojo had been used up. It was tossed in my back seat. I decided to see if Ron, he of a great hat collection, wanted it. He did.

We took the doggies in for a bath today. It seems that Smooch was sitting on the hat. Note the hair. I was going to present it in its pictured state, but decided to photograph it first. It has since been stripped of the blond Smooch hairs and is ready for delivery.

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