Friday, December 21, 2007

Loose Ends

I said I was going to list the worst Christmas songs of all time. It is also possible that some folks were left hanging by my mention of the song Grandma Grunt. So let's get all this settled before the weekend takes over.

MSLOE's Worst Chrismas Songs

1. The Little Drummer Boy - It drones on forever and is a revisionist version of the Christmas Story

2. 12 days of Christmas - This includes all parody versions. This song is no more than a holiday version of 64 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

3. Winter Wonderland - Thank you, Ricky Hatton. After hearing his band of British hooligans singing "ro-ro-ro Ricky Hatton" instead of : "In the lane are you list'ning" - continuously, it called attention to how crappy Winter Wonderland is to begin with. Floyd Mayweather thankfully beat the living crap out of Hatton, so we shant be hearing the tune again, I hope.

To end this in a positive note, my 5 favorite Christmas recordings are.

1. The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole
2. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) - Darlene Love
3. Please Come Home For Christmas - Charles Brown
4. Blue Christmas - Elvis
5. Here Comes Santa Claus - Gene Autry

Grandma Grunt was a rousing and catchy tune that allowed boys to actually whistle in class and girls to sing "tra-la-la-la". The title alone made it worthy. I can't find anything about it. If I do, I'll post the link.

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